Autumn lawn care tips

If you have any deciduous trees near your garden it is likely that you will have leaves fall on your lawn. It is important for your grass that these leaves are not allowed to stay covering the grass for too long. Once a week, either blow the leaves into the borders or rake them up. This is especially important if you have any new grass seed germinating. Leaf coverage will kill new grass.

Raise your mower blades.

As the light levels and daylight length in the autumn start to reduce, raise the height of your cut. A longer leaf on your grass will help it to use the fading light. This will help keep your lawn green during the winter. I recommend cutting your grass at the next to the highest setting on your mower.


Aerate your lawn

The autumn is a perfect season to aerate your lawn. Lawns become compacted over time. Compaction means the soil compresses together preventing water from reaching the roots. Regular aerating is very important and will prevent many problems in future years. Aerate your lawn and the grass will develop strong roots. Your reward will be a great lawn the following year.

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